2021 Q3 | Rest In Christ

PROGRAM 1 (SSP210027)

(June 26 – July 2)

Lesson 1: Living in a 24-7 Society

Read Lesson 1 Online

Reading: Gen.2:1–3,Jer.45:1–5,Exod. 20:11, 2 Sam. 7:12, Mark 6:30–32, Gen. 4:1–17

Memory Text: “My soul longs, yes, even faints for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God” (Ps. 84:2, NKJV).

Sunday (John Lomacang) - “Worn and Weary
Monday (Kenny Shelton) - “Running on Empty
Tuesday (Jill Morikone) - “Defining Rest in the Old Testament
Wednesday (Ryan Day) - “Rest in the New Testament
Thursday (Shelley Quinn) - “A Restless Wanderer

PROGRAM 2 (SSP210028)

(July 3 – July 9)

Lesson 2: Restless and Rebellious

Read Lesson 1 Online

Reading: Num. 11:1–33, Num. 12:1–13, Num. 13:27–33, Num. 14:1–23, 1 Cor. 10:1–11, Num. 14:39–45

Memory Text: “Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come” (1 Corinthians 10:11, NKJV).

Sunday (Jill Morikone) - “Restless in a Wilderness
Monday (John Lomacang) - “It's Contagious
Tuesday (Kenny Shelton) - “Restlessness Leads to Rebellion
Wednesday (Shelley Quinn) - “An Intercessor
Thursday (Ryan Day) - “Faith Versus Presumption

PROGRAM 3 (SSP210029)

(July 10 – July 16)

Lesson 3: The Roots of Restlessness

Read Lesson 1 Online

Reading: Matt. 10:34–39, Luke 12:13– 21, Phil. 2:5–8, Luke 22:14–30, Matt. 23:1–13

Memory Text: “For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice” (James 3:16, ESV).

Sunday (Shelley Quinn) - “Jesus Brings Division
Monday (John Dinzey) - “Selfishness
Tuesday (Kenny Shelton) - “Ambition
Wednesday (John Lomacang) - “Hypocrisy
Thursday (Jill Morikone) - “Uprooting Restlessness

PROGRAM 4 (SSP210030)

(July 17 – July 23)

Lesson 4: The Cost of Rest

Read Lesson 1 Online

Reading: 2 Sam. 11:1–27, 2 Sam. 12:1– 23, Gen. 3:1–8, 1 John 1:9

Memory Text: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (Ps. 51:10, NKJV).

Sunday (Ryan Day) - “Worn and Weary
Monday (John Lomacang) - “Wake-up Call
Tuesday (Shelley Quinn) - “Forgiven and Forgotten
Wednesday (Jill Morikone) - “Something New
Thursday (Kenny Shelton) - “Reflectors of God's Light

PROGRAM 5 (SSP210031)

(July 24 – July 30)

Lesson 5: Come to Me . . .

Read Lesson 1 Online

Reading: Matt. 11:20–30, Matt. 5:5, Deut. 18:15, Gal. 5:1, Exod. 18:13–22, Gal. 6:2

Memory Text: “ ‘Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest’ ” (Matt. 11:28, NKJV).

Sunday (Kenny Shelton) - “I Will Give You Rest
Monday (Shelley Quinn) - “Take My Yoke Upon You
Tuesday (Jill Morikone) - “I Am Gentle and Lowly in Heart
Wednesday (John Dinzey) - “For My Yoke Is Easy
Thursday (John Lomacang) - “My Burden Is Light

PROGRAM 6 (SSP210032)

(July 31 – August 6)

Lesson 6: Finding Rest in Family Ties

Read Lesson 1 Online

Reading: Genesis 34; Heb. 11:17–22; Deut. 4:29; 1 John 3:1, 2; Genesis 39; Eph. 6:1–13

Memory Text: “You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked; but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen” (2 Peter 3:17, 18, NKJV).

Sunday (John Lomacang) - “Dysfunction at Home
Monday (Shelley Quinn) - “Choosing a New Direction
Tuesday (Yvonne Shelton) - “Finding True Self-Worth
Wednesday (Jill Morikone) - “Doing Relationships God's Way
Thursday (Danny Shelton) - “The Great Controversy, Up Close and Personal

PROGRAM 7 (SSP210033)

(August 7 – August 13)

Lesson 7: Rest, Relationships, and Healing

Read Lesson 1 Online

Reading: Gen. 42:7–20, Matt. 25:41– 46, Gen. 42:21–24, Gen. 45:1–15, Luke 23:34, Gen. 50:15–21

Memory Text: “‘But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life’ ” (Gen. 45:5, NKJV).

Sunday (Jill Morikone) - “Facing the Past
Monday (Ryan Day) - “Setting the Stage
Tuesday (Shelley Quinn) - “Forgive and Forget?
Wednesday (John Dinzey) - “Making It Practical
Thursday (John Lomacang) - “Finding Rest After Forgiveness

PROGRAM 8 (SSP210034)

(August 14 – August 20)

Lesson 8: Free to Rest

Read Lesson 1 Online

Reading: Mark 2:1–12, 1 Kings 18, 1 Kings 19:1–8, Matt. 5:1–3, Isa. 53:4–6, 2 Kings 2:11

Memory Text: “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” (Ps. 27:1, NKJV).

Sunday (Shelley Quinn) - “Healing Rest
Monday (Jill Morikone) - “Root Treatment
Tuesday (John Lomacang) - “Running Away
Wednesday (Yvonne Shelton) - “Too Tired to Run
Thursday (Danny Shelton) - “Rest and More

PROGRAM 9 (SSP210035)

(August 21 – August 27)

Lesson 9: The Rhythms of Rest

Read Lesson 1 Online

Reading: Genesis 1, Exod. 20:8–11, Exod. 16:14–31, Deut. 5:12–15, Psalm 92, Isa. 58:13

Memory Text: “Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made” (Gen. 2:3, NKJV).

Sunday (John Lomacang) - “Prelude to Rest
Monday (John Dinzey) - “The Command to Rest
Tuesday (Jill Morikone) - “New Circumstances
Wednesday (Shelley Quinn) - “Another Reason to Rest
Thursday (Greg Morikone) - “Keeping the Sabbath

PROGRAM 10 (SSP210036)

(August 28 – September 3)

Lesson 10: Sabbath Rest

Read Lesson 1 Online

Reading: Gen. 1:26, 27; Gen. 9:6; 2 Pet. 2:19; Rom. 6:1–7; Exod. 19:6; John 5:7–16

Memory Text: “Six days shall work be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, a holy convocation. You shall do no work on it; it is the Sabbath of the Lord in all your dwellings” (Lev. 23:3, NKJV).

Sunday (John Dinzey) - “Sabbath and Creation
Monday (John Lomacang) - “Celebrating Freedom
Tuesday (Shelley Quinn) - “The Stranger in Your Gates
Wednesday (Ryan Day) - “Serving Others Honors God's Sabbath
Thursday (Jill Morikone) - “The Sign That We Belong to God

PROGRAM 11 (SSP210037)

(September 4 – September 10)

Lesson 11: Longing for More

Read Lesson 1 Online

Reading: 1 Cor. 10:1–11, Lev. 4:32–35, John 1:29, Heb. 4:1–11, Ps. 95:8–11

Memory Text: “Now these things took place as examples for us, that we might not desire evil as they did” (1 Cor. 10:6, ESV).

Sunday (Shelley Quinn) - “Baptized Into Moses
Monday (John Lomacang) - “Ritual and Sacrifices
Tuesday (Jill Morikone) - “The "Example" of Rest
Wednesday (Kenny Shelton) - “Harden Not Your Hearts
Thursday (John Dinzey) - “Conquering a Heavenly City

PROGRAM 12 (SSP210038)

(September 11 – September 17)

Lesson 12: The Restless Prophet

Read Lesson 1 Online

Reading: Jonah 1–4, Jer. 25:5, Ezek. 14:6, Rev. 2:5, Luke 9:51–56, Jude 1–25

Memory Text: “ ‘And should I not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot discern between their right hand and their left—and much livestock?’ ” (Jonah 4:11, NKJV).

Sunday (Kenny Shelton) - “Running Away
Monday (Jill Morikone) - “A Three-Day Rest
Tuesday (Jason Bradley) - “Mission Accomplished
Wednesday (John Lomacang) - “An Angry, Restless Missionary
Thursday (Shelley Quinn) - “A Two-Way Street

PROGRAM 13 (SSP210039)

(September 18 – September 24)

Lesson 13: The Ultimate Rest

Read Lesson 1 Online

Reading: Rev. 1:9–19; Matt. 24:4–8, 23–31; Rev. 14:6–12; Heb. 11:13–16; Phil. 4:4–6

Memory Text: “But as it is written: ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him’ ” (1 Cor. 2:9, NKJV).

Sunday (Jill Morikone) - “A Vision of the End
Monday (Ryan Day) - “The Countdown
Tuesday (John Lomacang) - “Marching Orders
Wednesday (Shelley Quinn) - “Rest in Peace
Thursday (John Dinzey) - “Rejoice in the Lord Always